Aftermath of the age post







Remember that post about the ages? Well, here it is, all nice and organized for your reference.
If you don’t see yourself on this list, congrats and my condolences, you’re in the average of 25! You’re an adult! Celebrate! (Or cry, your preference.)

The Higher Council (40+)
lies 54
Redshoesnblueskies 50
War-rig-ace 46
thebyrchentwigges 44
polecat-flyer 42
threnodycatkins 42
schwarmeri1 41

The Elders (30-40)
titaniumginger 38
ooksaidthelibrarian 36
bassfanimation 36
bulletfarming 35
sheliesshattered 35
wherethehipposdrome 34
warrpig 34
geekfather 34
we-are-the-stories 33
allthisandtea 33
philosophyofshh 33
encounter-bein 33
rogue-warboy 32
fangirlicizing 32
c0rc0dis 32
sqwace 31
ahimsa-bitches 31
twiggerzimmer 31
in throughthesunroof 30
singoalla 30
bluyjay 30
fearlesslyloyal 30

Warpups (20 and lower)
dyinghistoric 20
totally-lesbigay 19
wanderingnork 19
a-study-in-warboys 19
thelonglostwanderers 19
suxtoluvnux 19
wasteland-warchild 18
warboysadrift 18
nuxable-headcanons 18
what-a-nuxy-day 18
sokol-dyun 18
creepydudesinthedesert 17
rooks-moonbears 17
silenthillcoffeebeans 16
mad-max-wargirl 16
plickly 16
chrometeethandshinystories 15
phoenixthunderbirds 15
no-im-a-fucking-unicorn 13

@rossen-wolf 20
@ride-furious 18

@wastelandwip 34

So the 21-29 year olds don’t count? What does that make us, War Boy poop?

Also, @xenowhore is like 32 or something.

(I’m 31)

Joining @xenowhore in the “hey what about me” corner… Still 44 and damn proud of it too! (Also stay tuned for @wastelandelders to become a thing, will be reaching out to you other old people soon for input!)

I win!

I was going to correct it (being only 53), but then I realized it was because I’d followed the lead of the previous posters who were saying things like “23 in May”. So I’d reblogged with “54 in March”.

It’s fun to be back among the ranks of those who look forward to the joy of being older, and hence inflate, rather than deflate, their age.

Also, I believe @redshoesnblueskies said something like “fiftymumblemumble”, so there’s still hope there.

Reposted from

Tags: fury road, text post, anyway George Miller is 70, 71 in March!, p. sure he's a fan.

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