muchtoofullofsand: Hell yes I am going to see this.


Hell yes I am going to see this.

Reposted from

Tags: the universe has decided, that I'm going to have to go all in on this, all the way through it and out the other side, resisting is clearly only going to make it worse, there's so much going on here, the (original) source material, the one-joke mostly-throwaway update, the thought to make it a movie, but then wait, don't make it a dumb parody, make it straight, with full-on production values, and really think it through, make it about gender politics, make it grapple with legit austen themes, through a lens of today, and this inversion of their society, maybe it's not all going to be there, maybe this is just trailer magic, but if so, it's very good magic, and a final apology, for gore on your dash, if only in the preview frame of the youtube video, please let me know if that bothered you.

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