Dream big

I got excited about the post I just saw. It asked me to reblog with my MBTI classification and my Hogwarts house in the tags. The thing I found exciting was that those are two topics I’ve trained myself to always scroll past immediately without giving them any attention at all. So having both in one post felt special.

You go, post. If you’d asked for my star sign you could have hit the trifecta.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1MbP3Tq.

Tags: nothing against sorting classifying obsessively binning, or hp, or mb, or astrology, or homeopathy, or dowsing, you do you, there's no wrong way to fan, all reality is a narrative construct, our brains telling us compelling fictions, hose particular fictions aren't compelling for me, but that doesn't mean my fictions are better, they're just different.

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