“THE BUZZARDS: Production designer Colin Gibson describes more of the theory behind the Buzzard…”


Production designer Colin Gibson describes more of the theory behind the Buzzard tribe. “The Buzzards are basically vultures. They’re a pack of hyenas. If you build a world full of carrion, the hyena and the vulture will circle. And the difference with them is, they have much baser needs, because they were after just material, the crude mechanics, the very stuff of things. They didn’t see a Cadillac, [the Buzzards] saw metal; not man, but meat. George had the theory that they were Russian and I think maybe they were White Russian and way too white – their bodies were ravaged by impetigo and infection. They were suppurating flesh and peeling skin, held in place with Saran Wrap and bandage. It was just a little too moist in this dry and dirty place, so they hid inside the spiky vehicles. They were spiky as much to keep people away from them as for attack. The anthropomorphic treatment worked both on the front and the back, there was a sense of trying to find vehicles that had eyes, that we could add a grinning grille of mouth to, that the radiator could look like braces on an inbred mouth.


Gibson relates, “If the Buzzards are the hunters of carrion, then the Rock Riders are the hunters just pre-mortem. They have a path through which you must go, which brings you in single file, basically turns you into easy pickings. Their system of attack is obviously, if I live high, then I need to be able to move up and down. So we decided they were two-wheeled parkour artists. Certain motorbikes are built for this.

The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road (via rockatanskis)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1eyo1JH.

Tags: sigh, closer..., fury road, text post, such cool info, amazon is still dicking me around about the delivery date for my copy, first they said by late June (when I ordered it in May), now it's by late August, they think, no promises.

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