schwarmerei1: manticoreimaginary: I just watched Blade Runner for the first time (yes I know) and…



I just watched Blade Runner for the first time (yes I know) and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ‘ROMANCE’ SCENE?? YUCK YUCK FUCKING GROSS.

There are many things I love about that movie, but that scene is CREEPY AS FUCK! And I don’t think it’s supposed to be…

A few years ago I rewatched it after a 20-year gap and had the same reaction. The strange thing for me is that while remembering the scene, I’m didn’t recall feeling the revulsion I felt at it during the re-watch. So either I’d blocked that out or 1980s me really was that clueless.

I suspect it was mostly the latter.

Welcome to 1982, when a sympathetic lead male character can be rapey as fuck in pursuit of an edge-y, noir-ish aesthetic, and the audience is expected to respond with, ooh, sexy.

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Tags: maybe?, or at least, blade runner, things that were intended to be sexy, that were actually creepy, but that for some people were not recognizably so, not memorably so, on the bright side, for me personally, I now see how horrible it was, and for society generally, I think it now would be called out as such if it happened again, which of course it still does, but putting the horrible part to one side, (parenthetical tag to say ugh), (because putting the horrible part to one side is kind of what made that creepy in the first place), but doing that, the fact that the frame has shifted enough for that shit to be obvious, to someone who might previously not have found it so, is a sort of (minimal) progress, but mostly just ugh, my fave was deeply problematic.

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