flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: sickmonkey1027: mugsandpugs: sickmo…





So…are they like looking into each others souls or…

I like to think that Nux is forced to acknowledge that Max is a person here. He’s probably never looked into a bloodbags eyes before.

Well maybe that’s why he was so willing to be best buddies with Max as soon as they took down Furiosa ;). Max went from Blood Bag to bff hell Nux actually asked him what he wanted as a reward ;). Like, hey it’s not like I just forced you into a blood transfusion on the front of my car, we got the same goals, we gotta be buds.

This shot always made me go ??? :D He looks so curious, but, you know, you’re riding into a storm and your lancer just fell off the back of the car this is NOT THE TIME TO STOP AND EXAMINE YOUR BLOODBAG, NUX.

I wonder what it’s for. In the script, in the edit, what it’s supposed to tell us. I know what questions it raises, but what was it for?

I’m not sure it was the intended purpose, but I think it’s funny, and I’ve heard people laughing at it in the theater. It’s Nux’s expression. There’s so much tension and chaos, and then there’s just this momentary pause and Nux going “huh. look at that.”

I guess on a character level it’s establishing a little more of Nux’s evolving relationship with Max, with the quizzical expression meaning that, like the commenter said earlier, he’s considering him as an actual individual for the first time. In that sense it helps set up the “witness me, blood bag!” line we’re going to get in a few minutes. And just generally there’s a recurring theme in the movie of meaningful glances between characters, like when Furiosa looks at Max for the first time, or the “Something in the eyes…” scene, or those looks Nux and Capable exchange in the canyon.

Hm. I feel a “characters making eye contact” gifset coming on.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1HeYHFJ.

Tags: fury road, meta, significant glances, eye contact.

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