bonehandledknife: bonehandledknife: endlessimpossibility: requ…




requested by nevaehs

Okay but can I just give some of my love to HOW he’s holding her up, at her elbow where she can brace herself, instead of an arm around her waist. She just has so much heft in this scene, and she almost slips out of his grip at one point. This is in no way a bridal carry, a romance novel, or anything about Max. This moment is hers.

It’s Furiosa’s, utterly.

I want to know what discussions the actors went through to come up with this or just if there was a complete agreement between miller and crew that, nope, this is how it will be.

weareunderthesameskies said:about that gifset u just reblogged- also look at max hoisting her in the belt. there’s a sense of practicality in that, that’s actually where he keeps er balanced. and it is by far a more practical grip than if he had ‘potentially’ held her around the waist. it still looks so hard and a person’s full body weight is quite heavy and it gives off that feeling that they are truly bruised and battered and on the brink of survival

Reblogging because I got this wonderful ask, and it needs to go here

Given her recent stabbings (in her right side by the gear-shift dagger, and in her left side when Max depressurized her), holding her up with an arm around her waist would have been both painful and dangerous. I bet ER-doctor-turned-director Miller would have said something if they’d tried to do that.

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Tags: gifs, fury road, meta.

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