“When we came to make Zombies, Run!, I deliberately put a line in the very first mission, when you,…”

“When we came to make Zombies, Run!, I deliberately put a line in the very first mission, when you, Runner Five, are just arriving at Abel Township, the tiny, shivering remnant of humanity left after the zombie apocalypse. I had one of the characters say: “If you can move above a slow shamble, we can use you.” Why? Because I am so sick and tired of the best and nicest exercise-based treats being reserved for people who are already in peak physical shape, and I’m sick of the notion that having fun while exercising is something you have to earn; that, until you look a certain way, moving ought to be boring and unpleasant if not outright painful. Your body is there right now. You did not have to earn a thing. It is a gift. You are a hero every time you step out of your front door to do some exercise.”

There’s No Morality in Exercise: I’m a Fat Person Who Made a Successful Fitness App — Matter — Medium




There may have been tears reading this. Almost made me go for a run. Almost.

(via spinstermoderne)

I wonder if this is the app Julia was telling me about.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1CGrtuL.

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