History of wikipedia and fandom


genderific replied to your postWikipedia editing as fannish practice

actually part of my RL job involves helping people edit a corporate wiki. But EVERY TIME I have tried to edit wikipedia a bot has automatically reversed my changes and it was so frustrating I gave up in disgust.

neither-saint-nor-sinner replied to your postWikipedia editing as fannish practice

So much of fandom has, in the (god) decade-plus I’ve been a part of it, been SO insular, just, culturally. I wonder if that’s part of it. These creators often come from fandom and have those same norms… I feel like that factors in as well.

I should probably mention that I’ve been lurking wikipedia how-to and meta pages for literally years and years — quite a bit longer than I’ve been in fandom, actually. Even though I didn’t edit it’s been was one of the ways that I procrastinated on the internet and I kept thinking that I’d eventually get around to editing but I didn’t until this event. 

So I may be missing things on two levels: 1) I may be subconsciously doing non-obvious things on wikipedia that prevent my edits from being reverted but that genderific it hasn’t occurred to you to do? (idk, but that sounds incredibly frustrating and I can totally see why you gave up but also like it shouldn’t have to happen does it happen to other people too what’s going on.)

2) I have a really short memory of fandom, like really just the past couple years and things I’ve been told about earlier, but that’s not the same as being there. I mean I consider myself inside now, but neither-saint-nor-sinner if you have more comments on why/how/if people might relate to this I’d be interested to hear them! [Edit: I think also that wp may spring from the open source movement, which is historically really male I think.]

While being regrettably male and part of the problem in that sense, I feel like I’m someone who has bridged that divide going in the opposite direction (from being familiar with open source software development and Wikipedia editing, to arriving in Tumblr-mediated fannish spaces and having to figure out how that worked).

And I’m also curious what edits of genderific‘s were reverted by bot. If she recalls what any of the articles were and can find the reversion in the edit history, I’d be interested in taking a look at it.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1ErPAPV.

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