jbatesart: Happy friday! I’m officially done with my first…


Happy friday! I’m officially done with my first quarter of grad school! I still have one final critique to go through, but in terms of art-making I’m all wrapped up.

Here’s the piece I did for my final scratchboard assignment! It’s of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler feeding a Brown Headed Cowbird.

Cowbirds are nest parasites that lay their egg in another species’ nest. The cowbird egg hatches before the host eggs do, and the larger, more demanding nestling outcompetes the others easily. Host parents often aren’t aware that their nests have been parasitized, and will continue to feed a different-looking fledgling well into their development.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1GO9IZ1.

Tags: parenting, PJH, as of today my youngest offspring can openly attend an R-rated movie, he still appreciates the occasional grub tho.

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