hey lies ahh I’m sorry for inundating you with the head cannon request, I was just curious :) If you get round to it I trust your judgement for private/public, but if you simply don’t have the time, that’s ok. Also I am sorry to hear about your loss, my best wishes to you and your wife.

Thank you. Katie’s memorial was really lovely. It’s been a while now since she died, and the immediate pain of losing her, which was sharp and hard to face head-on, has turned into a deeper, more bearable, sense of how profoundly diminished the world is without her. There was a lot of crying at her memorial, with hundreds of people, many of whom didn’t really know each other, coming together and realizing how far her reach had extended.

Your headcanon is something of a special case. Most of the people I follow share a lot about themselves on their blogs, and do so in a lot of different ways: bits about their lives, fandom commentaries, reblogs with commentary, ongoing interactions and in-jokes with other tumblr users; over time that builds up a pretty complete picture.

You’re different. Your revelations about yourself are almost all in the form of your beautiful writing, original text posts that allude to your life, but are also quite abstract, in the sense that it is all a kind of disembodied meta-commentary. It’s about what you think and feel, rather than an objective reporting of the facts and events that produced those reactions. I love it, but the discipline with which you stick to it means there are many possible versions of your real-world existence that could have given rise to it. Many possible “you’s”, I guess I could say.

I assume you’ve done that on purpose. I think it works as a writing device; it gives your blog a kind of universal quality. But it makes it challenging to fill in a picture of the person behind the prose. Because of that, I think I notice the few revealing details more than I otherwise would.

You have sometimes talked about your mother. I think she has been a powerful, if problematic, force in your life. But that also seems destined to change.

You have spoken of friends, and I think at least one would-be romantic interest, though in both cases in a context that conveyed a sense of disappointment in them. I think (like a lot of writers), you spend a lot of time alone. At least, that’s the part of your existence that you choose to share in your blog.

I don’t know know where you live, but I have a vague sense that you may have mentioned London, or someplace that felt London-ish, at some point.

When I first started reading your blog, I assumed you were older than I now realize you are. I think I was thinking mid- to late-20’s, but then realized that no, you were probably still in your teens, though maybe just barely.

Once, out of the blue, after I’d been following you for some time and had settled into the routine of the elliptical text posts that you make, you posted a selfie. “This is what I look like sometimes,” I think you captioned it. The face in it was surprisingly glamorous-looking; like, model/actress level. I hadn’t been expecting that. And then, as abruptly as the curtain had opened, it closed again.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1ux3FGk.

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