What happens when you poke, prod and pinch black widow spiders? You might be surprised

What happens when you poke, prod and pinch black widow spiders? You might be surprised:

I’ve been working on my own arachnophobia for a long time. Black widows (which live in our woodpile, and occasionally show up when we’re trying to gain ground on the junk in the garage) are kind of my last frontier.

This research should help me relax a bit.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/Ly5TBH.

Tags: insects, insects that anonsally will never see, not actually insects in this case, but with the requisite arthropod limbs to squick her out, so tagging for her to tumblrsavior, i wonder if the people who actually track the insects tag for insects, are annoyed by my doing this.

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