shllybkwrm: Yes I am one of those crazy people that reads and walks. Anyway I read the first three…


Yes I am one of those crazy people that reads and walks.

Anyway I read the first three chapters of Fangirl on the walk home today. I’m enjoying it! I can tell it’s going to go fast, at least if I have enough time to read this week what with that project and midterm I have.

One thing though – in Chapter 1, Cath says she couldn’t “single-white-female” her sister, taking about Wren’s haircut. I don’t get the phrase, can someone explain?

It’s a reference to the 1992 movie of that name. In the movie, Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character is a new roommate of Bridget Fonda’s character. Leigh’s character does a series of escalatingly creepy things, one of which is getting the same short haircut that Fonda’s character just got.

Note: I haven’t seen the movie. But I assumed the reference was something like that, and a check of the plot synopsis in the movie’s Wikipedia article appears to confirm.

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