the-absolute-funniest-posts: wunderscheisse: In recent years,…



In recent years, biologists have recognized that birds engage in play. Juvenile Common Ravens are among the most playful of bird species. They have been observed to slide down snowbanks, apparently purely for fun. They even engage in games with other species, such as playing catch-me-if-you-can with wolves, otters and dogs.[77] Common Ravens are known for spectacular aerobatic displays, such as flying in loops or interlocking talons with each other in flight.[78][79]

They are also one of only a few wild animals who make their own toys. They have been observed breaking off twigs to play with socially.[80]

this is so precious omg

Oh, sorry. I missed this when it was first posted.

But yes, all this information sounds credible to me. Ravens are known to be among the smartest of birds. They can make and use (simple) tools, exhibit complex social behaviors, and (if I’m remembering correctly) have demonstrated a certain amount of basic numeracy. And yeah: they play. I’ve seen the sort of aerial displays described in the post, and that rolling-down-the-snowy-windshield thing sure looks like they’re playing.

A cynic might try to explain it as a type of preening behavior, like bathing or sunning. But I think they’re playing.

I like all birds, and try to appreciate them for how they really are without anthropomorphizing. But ravens are kind of adorable.

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Tags: ravens.

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