gandalf1202: David Cox – Going to the Hayfield [1849] on…


David Cox – Going to the Hayfield [1849] on Flickr.

The hayfield was one of Cox’s favourite and most often repeated subjects; the image of the mounted farmer slowly making his way to the distant haymaking seems to have exerted a peculiar spell over the artist. So many versions exist in oil and watercolour that it is almost meaningless to count them, a task in any case made all the more difficult by Cox’s use of the same title to cover all the variations on the theme. Thus, certain identification of Cox’s pictures in exhibition or sales catalogues where dimensions are not given is extremely difficult.

[Philadelphia Museum of Art – Oil on canvas, 71.1 x 91.4 cm]

We are all of us going to a hayfield in one way or another.

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Tags: i realize screenwriter's blues is highly problematic, but this made me think o the lyric, and i thought it was worth sharing, but really, soul coughing's misogyny is not releant, because all of us really are going to reseda in one way or another, and this painting, and the odd hold that this particular composition had on Cox's imagination, is worth thinking about, and when your brain is a dusty attic, sometimes the things you haul out of it, mean something different than they did when you stored them away.

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