chinchillathumbs: Let’s not even question it guys. Eleanor wrote “I love you” on the post card at…


Let’s not even question it guys. Eleanor wrote “I love you” on the post card at the end. Three words. The three words she had yet to say to him.

Actually, I do question it, at least to myself (though you’re free to believe what you want, of course). I question it because I suspect that my own wishes as a reader might be influencing what I think the three words were, and I don’t see any reason to think Eleanor the character would be guided by what I as a reader want.

They’re the obvious choice, some ways. But E&P isn’t necessarily a book that makes obvious choices.

femmenerd had a different idea that I liked a lot. And Rainbow Rowell has said online that she knows what the three words are, and that she wants to write a sequel, so I hope I they’ll be revealed some day.

Hard not to wonder in the meantime, though.

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Tags: eleanor & park.

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