brilliant-lites: yukitasona: ebonyfreebird: Why has Tumblr…




Why has Tumblr taught me more about basic living than all of my previous schooling experiences combined


Tumblr is a place where everyone has some knowledge, and lack some. We teach the ones with our knowledge, and get some from others.

School is a place where everyone has some knowledge, and lack some.
But only a small part of those [teachers] are allowed to teach us anything, and the kids are being brainwashed to believe that.


Tumblr is a place where everyone will blindly accept statements as being true, without putting any effort into verifying the statement. 

This is a site where a complete lie (above picture) can get 50,000 notes and a completely fabricated “Sylvia Plath” quote can also get 50,000 notes. 

Everyone thinks they’re learning knowledge, but they’re just brainwashed to believe that. 

Reblogging both of them because I liked both commentaries.

Reposted from

Tags: tumblr lies.

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