Pushing Back in the Comments

I will always love Jack Hitt for his story about taking his daughter to lunch on Martin Luther King day, which featured in what may be my favorite episode of This American Life ever, Kid Logic. I liked that story so much I stole it and included it in Lies.com podcast #21, the first of the “modern” Lies.com podcasts, in which I get all derivative and remix-y (and illegal).

So yeah, sorry about the lack of those lately. I have a batch of things I’d like to get to, but just haven’t been able to scrape up the time. But in the meantime, do check out this article from Hitt that appeared over the weekend in the NYT: Science and truth: We’re all in it together.

I learned about it from Roger Pielke, Jr. in Ignore the gloss at some risk, which is also recommended.

Rounding out the interesting pushback is this item from Dan Kahan: Some data on CRT & “Republican” & “Democratic brains” (plus CRT & religion, gender, education & cultural worldviews). Heh. Includes welcome pushback on Chris Mooney, whose recent book The Republican Brain, is also sitting around waiting for me to find the time for it. I was so excited about The Republican Brain when I first heard about it. But that was before I’d heard the title, and (more) heard Mooney detail the premise. As it turns out, the actual book has been a disappointment to me (which I guess I shouldn’t really be able to say until actually reading it). But I’m disappointed nevertheless. I was hoping that Mooney would really dig into what was going on with motivated reasoning and why people believe the wacky things they do. Instead, it seems what we’ve got is the liberal equivalent of an Ann Coulter book, bashing the other side so we on our side can feel good about how right we are.


Anyway, no time to obsess over this, or even write a proper blog post. If I were going to write a proper blog post, I’d probably write something similar to what I wrote five years ago in Debugging the Bush administration. So I’ll just quote myself:

A famous truism from the world of open source software development is that “with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” In other words, if you get a large enough pool of people examining a malfunctioning piece of code, there’s going to be someone for whom the solution is obvious.

Go eyeballs.

7 Responses to “Pushing Back in the Comments”

  1. knarlyknight Says:

    shcb –

    para 1&2 – it’s no surprise you favour consultive / authoritarian model for getting things done as it fits your culture, but I wish there was a more intelligent / universal way.

    pink slime / gay president – whatever / the world is a bigger than these issues.

    Gee, I don’t know shcb.

  2. knarlyknight Says:

    Ignore the last line, it was a remnant of another track of comments more sarcastic than what I decided to write.

  3. enkidu Says:

    wwnj’s post seems particularly incoherent
    they must be handing out double rations of crazy juice this week
    350 this! 350 that! pink slime! libs! grrrrr! gays! grrrrr!

    also, sociamalism

    what a maroon!

  4. shcb Says:

    so where did you come up with gay president… twice… wasn’t from me, but you see it has been repeated twice, that makes it official in Enky’s mind, I said Obama is gay.

  5. knarlyknight Says:

    “Gay President ” was the cover of Newsweek. Big splash for the term in mainstream media, Hey why don’t you learn to Google instead of asking silly questions.

  6. enkidu Says:

    shorter wwnj

    Whatever the case it reinforces my biases.


    (this post saved 350 electrons from the horrible fate of being used in a typical republican rant – you’re welcome!)

  7. shcb Says:

    yeah, I don’t read Newsweek, just so I don’t get labled calling him that.

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