Anatomy of a Scam

Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing pointed out this interesting series of posts on tracking down a scam artist using Google (among other tools): Anatomy of a Scam Investigation: Chapter One.

7 Responses to “Anatomy of a Scam”

  1. Smith Says:

    Which comparison will take place first, AGW or 9/11?

  2. shcb Says:

    We haven’t talked prairie dogs for a while.

  3. knarlyknight Says:

    There’s no such things. There are, however, gophers.

  4. knarlyknight Says:

    I spoke too soon. Apparently the animals I always called gophers are Richardson Ground Squirrel (I knew that) but more commonly known as prairie dogs. There are many similar grounds squirrels, prairie dogs and gophers (but when you look closer they are really not similar at all.)

    They each have different niches in the web of life, so before we talk “prairie dogs”, you will need to better define what animal it is that you are really talking about.

    Regardless of what specific animal we are talking about, I do have one question: “What does it taste like barbequed?” And if the answer is “not so good,” then I have a follow-up question: “Well why don’t they get ground up and fed to REAL dogs?”

  5. knarlyknight Says:

    I spoke too soon. Apparently the animals I always called gophers are Richardson Ground Squirrel (I knew that) but more commonly known as prairie dogs. There are many similar grounds squirrels, prairie dogs and gophers (but when you look closer they are really not similar at all.)

    They each have different niches in the web of life, so before we talk “prairie dogs”, you will need to better define what animal it is that you are really talking about.

    Regardless of what specific animal we are talking about, I do have one question: “What does it taste like barbequed?” And if the answer is “not so good,” then I have a follow-up question: “Well why don’t they get ground up and fed to REAL dogs?”

  6. knarlyknight Says:

  7. shcb Says:

    Since you brought it up… the first time we killed them here at the plant we had them live trapped, they then take them off site to “humanely” kill them, they are then frozen and sold to raptor rescue foundations. The one I personally donate to is Birds of Prey Foundation.

    This keeps the birds from becoming to domesticated to be reintroduced into the wild.

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