Joshua Marshall on the Current Iraq War Debate

Joshua Marshall gets it exactly right in his take on the current state of the Republican/Democratic “debate” over our future in Iraq: Consider this post an open letter to Senate Democrats.

For my part, I’d rather put more troops into Iraq than leave the status quo, as long as there was a clear plan for bringing the war and occupation to a satisfactory conclusion. The thing is that the status quo is morally indefensible because it just means continue to burn through men and money for a failed policy because President Bush isn’t capable of admitting his policies have failed.

He’s like an owner of a business that’s slowly going under. He doesn’t know how to save the situation. So he won’t get more money or resources to fix the business. That’s throwing good money after bad. And he won’t just liquidate and save what he can, because then he’d have to come to grips with the fact that he’s failed. So his policy is denial and slow failure. Here of course the analogy to President Bush is rather precise since he only has to hold out until 2009 when he can give the problem to someone else, just as he did in his past life with other businesses he drove into the ground.

But for the country that’s not acceptable. We don’t have a policy except for slow burn and denial. And the president’s ego isn’t enough to ask men and women to die for. We need an actual plan. And the president doesn’t have one.

One Response to “Joshua Marshall on the Current Iraq War Debate”

  1. Craig Says:

    This conservative blogger agrees in part with Marshall (no, not regarding his personal slams on Bush) when he talks about the complexities of US troop involvement in Iraq. Parts of the impending Reconciliation Plan will be tough to accept by many in the US, and will still need some clarification and adjustments before US leadership endorses it. But make no mistake. Bush will be receptive to an Iraqi-proposed exit plan that has realistic milestones that include all the various elements that must do their part to build a secure and acceptable social order in Iraq.

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