Brownie, You’re Doing a Heck of a — Say, What’d You Say Your Job Was, Again?

Sometimes the disconnect between reality and spin is so huge, so ridiculous, that even the Bush team has to bow to the inevitable. So it is that Michael Brown, of whom Bush famously said during his September 2 visit to the disaster area, “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job,” and who is still the (nominal) head of FEMA, has been recalled to Washington so Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen of the Coast Guard can take over as Katrina-recovery point-man.

From the New York Times’ David Stout: Announcement follows barrage of criticism; new chief is named. I especially liked this part:

Mr. Brown’s standing was further clouded when Time magazine reported on its Web site Thursday that he had embellished some of his credentials. When he was asked today whether he had done so, and whether he would resign from FEMA, Mr. Brown was silent.

Instead, Mr. Chertoff spoke up. “You heard the ground rules,” he said. “I’m going to answer the questions.” Earlier, Mr. Chertoff had advised reporters to choose their questions carefully, because his time was limited.

Yeah, I think we’ve heard pretty much the last (officially sanctioned) commentary from Michael Brown that we’re going to hear for a long time.

The reference to the embellished credentials concerns the piece in Time magazine (How reliable is Brown’s resume?) that pointed out (among other fibs) that Brown had turned what was basically an intern position as assistant to the city manager of Edmond, Oklahoma, into “serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight.”

There’s some additional back-story about Brown’s not-quite-firing in Elisabeth Bumiller’s analysis piece from the New York Times: Casualty of firestorm: Outrage, Bush and FEMA chief.

Update: Also, don’t miss this cool video montage (courtesy Norm of Onegoodmove) of David Gregory playing the “blame game” with Scott McClellan in the days leading up to the firing: That’s a dodge.

2 Responses to “Brownie, You’re Doing a Heck of a — Say, What’d You Say Your Job Was, Again?”

  1. Rise Against Says:

    I heard that Brown got his resume “tweaked” by some guy named Fred Brito?

  2. Fred Brito Says:

    This is so funny. Former FEMA Director Brown did more wrong and hurt hundreds of thousands more people than I ever did. Yet, it is so funny that I don’t see a lot of those LOUD MOUTHS ripping HIM to shreads like they have me. Heck, I look like an angel compared to Brown.

    The reason why you can’t see the difference between him and I, is that you all condone what he did. Maybe it is because YOU ALL have a lot more in comon with him than with me. He is a much bigger liar than I ever was.

    Let’s face it folks… we are ALL liars. No one can ever say that they have NEVER lied in their entire life. If you can, you have lied even more than I ever have. You lie to yourself and live in denial. At least I am honest that I have lied. Look in the mirror folks, and if you look real close, you will see that you have a lot in comon with me. YOU are all liars just as much as I am. Only difference is, that you have NOT been caught YET!

    So continue playing your little “Oh not me..” game… your day will come, sooner or later.

    ~Fred Brito

    PS: Now watch all those cowards write “secret” responses to my post attempting to rip me to shreads yet again…. Be a REAL man or WOMAN and tell us who you really are. I have invited anyone to my house to tell me to my face what you think. So far no takers. You all throw rocks at me and hide your hand saying: “It wasn’t me….” Yup… you are all cowards.

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