The Deep Throat Reveal

The WaPo, fittingly, confirms that Bob Felt, former second-in-command at the FBI, was, in fact, Woodward and Bernsteins “deep background” source during their investigative reporting on Watergate: FBI’s No. 2 was ‘Deep Throat’.

Caught flatfooted by Vanity Fair’s announcement, Woodward and Bernstein initially issued a terse statement reaffirming their promise to keep the secret until Deep Throat died. But the Vanity Fair article was enough to bring the current executive editor of The Post, Leonard Downie Jr., back to Washington from a corporate retreat in Maryland. After he consulted with Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee, “the newspaper decided that the newspaper had been released from its obligation by Mark Felt’s family and by his lawyer, through the publication of this piece,” Downie said. “They revealed him as the source. We confirmed it.”

So, no more teasing bait-and-switch non-revelations by John Dean, no more speculation about it being Pat Buchanan, no more “wasn’t it Hal Holbrook?” jokes.

2 Responses to “The Deep Throat Reveal”

  1. J.A.Y.S.O.N. Says:

    I challenge Pat Buchanan and G. Gordon Liddy to a fistfight in the middle of Times Sqaure. If I have to go one more night of news listening to this fucks defend Nixon and the break-ins, I’m going to end up doing myself.

  2. ethan-p Says:

    Even though Liddy is an old fart, I fear that he’d be able to really mame you Jayson. He may be a blow-hard, but he seems like a hard dude.

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