RFK Jr. on the Bush War on the Environment

RFK, Jr. has laryngitis in this video clip, which makes him sound a lot like Bobcat Goldthwait. So go listen for the laughs. And about eight or nine minutes in, if you’re paying any attention at all, you’ll start to feel really sick to your stomach at what the Bush administration is doing to the environment in this country. By which I mean, what he’s doing to the people in this country, via the environment.

I’m not just being a Bush hater here. It’s really just shockingly awful. He’s taking money from his buddies in the energy business to look the other way while they poison our children.

Maybe some of you in the red states could explain to me how that fits in with your belief that a vote for Bush is a vote for Christian values. Which verse was it where Jesus said we should let fat cats profit by putting mercury in the water supply?

Anyway: 2004 Nicholas School Graduation – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., guest speaker.

2 Responses to “RFK Jr. on the Bush War on the Environment”

  1. Tony D Says:

    Kerry should have picked him as a running mate.

  2. Patriot Says:

    “Maybe some of you in the red states could explain to me how that fits in with your belief that a vote for Bush is a vote for Christian values.”
    Actually no, you’ve got it backwards. A vote for Bush is a vote for tax cuts. A vote for Kerry is a vote against Christian values.

    “Which verse was it where Jesus said we should let fat cats profit by putting mercury in the water supply?”
    Ah, how tolerant you liberals are of people who disagree with you.

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