Man Fails To Notice Four-Inch Nail in His Skull

I’m trying to figure out how you fail to notice something like this happening to you: Nail found embedded in construction worker’s skull.

4 Responses to “Man Fails To Notice Four-Inch Nail in His Skull”

  1. HH32 Says:

    I’m assuming alot of perscription drugs/non=perscription drugs/booze/brass balls.

  2. princey Says:

    wow… thats interesting…. how my of a dumbass can u be to have a nail in ur skull and not know it… he had to be on something

  3. Jen Says:

    Well, I believe that, you should have seen how fast the gun goes. Faster than the Rocket. You cannot even see it.

    I also believe his story for not knowing it is there, as I am trying to recall why I got bruises on my Knees or my Elbows, I cannot seem to remember where I hit that god damn Knee and it hurts. I must have hit it while I was sleepwalking! LOL

    Good Grief, this is one Lucky Man indeed! Guess it is not his time to die today. Live while you can and Enjoy it.

  4. chimpy Says:

    Could it be possible that our president has a 4 inch nail in his skull? He is often shown working or crashing his bike while at the “ranch”. Maybe he had an accident with a nail gun and doesnt want to admit it.

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