George Bush: Not a Real Christian

I know Yian loves to read detailed analyses of Bush’s Christianity, so here you go, Yian (assuming you haven’t already seen it, which you probably have). From The American Prospect’s Ayelish McGarvey: As God is his witness.

9 Responses to “George Bush: Not a Real Christian”

  1. yian Says:

    aw… for me? :) thanks, john.

    this article is right on, and nails the attitude i’ve taken when examining Bush – if you’re going to call yourself a Christian and represent us/me, then you better hope you’re doing a good job. regardless of how he’s doing as a secular president, the man doesn’t have the fruit of the Spirit, does not care for his neighbors as he would himself, and has failed in every aspect of his stewardship of the “earth” i.e., the US, and as a leader (in that Christians are told if you’re a leader, you have greater responsibility towards and greater accountability to God and your brethren.)

    but the Bible says that one of the surest ways to measure a man’s faith is to see how much it’s changed him – via the oft-quoted “faith without works is dead” scripture. i look at Bush, and i give him the slimmest of benefit of the doubt – “ok, i’ll call you a Christian because you profess Christ, and i’m not in a position to judge that fact. but calling yourself by that name doesn’t make you a very effective or sincere Christian.”

    anyway, i always throw this in, so i’ll say it again – his relationship with God is his own business.

    anyway, here are two good points from the returned Bull Moose blog: first, that maybe we’re taking the wrong tack in beating the topic of Bush’s spirituality to death – maybe he’s just fundamentally incompetent! (yes, everyone else has beaten this topic into the ground as well, ho hum.) and secondly, that it’s very, very dangerous (however personally alluring i find it, like picking a scab) to publicly examine something so personal as one’s religion/spirituality.

    In short, Suskind attributes President Bush’s ideological intransigence, arrogance, hubris, triumphalism and lack of self-reflection to the fact that he is a devoutly religious Christian with a born-again experience. The Moose suggests that it could also be due to the fact that the President is intransigent, arrogant, full of hubris, triumphant to the max and is not introspective. He is not a religious fundamentalist but rather a militant anti-empiricist.

    Yes, some people who possess these qualities are religious. And some are secular. But neither the Moose nor does anyone else have a window into the President’s soul. Religion may actual temper these destructive qualities in the President. Or, the President may simply not be faithful to his faith.

    The Moose fears, though, that by attributing the President’s arrogant intransigence to his religious faith may actually play into his hands. That is to say, many religious Americans identify with the President even more strongly when they sense that he is being attacked for his religious devotion. Many of these Americans even oppose his policies on the war and the economy while they deeply identify with him as a devout person.

  2. Sharon Peter Says:

    you blow. that’s the dumbest thing ever.

  3. Mike Lowinske Says:

    Sharon Peter, thst’s a real “christian” thing to say to someone now isn’t it? What a hippocrite! Course if you don’t claim to be one, that I don’t think you have a right to make any kind of comment on an editorial like this.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Wakeup world, millions of Evil Serial Killers , Mass Murders, Rapist, and LIARS are lose on

    the world, they call themselves islamic muslims and pray to a ( moon god ) called allah,

    they scream (allah akbar) as they cut off heads of people who will not pray to their MOON

    GOD , they live by an evil book called the (qur’an), it teaches hate, and lies about God

    and Gods Laws. Muslims have and, are killing thousands of Innocent Children, Women, and Men

    around the world, beware, they are hateful, murders, rapist,and liars, God Have Mercy, As a

    group of people they are some, if not, the most Evil the world as ever seen. Learn of them,

    fear them, OR pray to their Moon God , this is horrible and true. You can recognize Muslims

    by the rags on their heads and the hate in their eyes. They teach their young that only

    Allah fearing muslims are worthy of life and after life. their aim is to destroy us, they

    respect nothing; not even the lives of children. Every day there are bombings, every day

    innocent people are targeted and murdered. Unthinkable atrocities take place on daily

    basis. Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology.

    They call that ideology Islam. The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that

    the terrorists have hijacked the religion of peace and Islam does not condone violence. Who

    is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them? The answer

    to this question is the key to our victory, and failure to find that key will result in our

    loss and death will be upon us. The key is in the Quran and the history of Islam. Those of

    us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They

    are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do.

    Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead to delight the

    hearts of the believers were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were

    observed by Muslims throughout their history. If truth has ever mattered, it matters most

    now! This is the time that we have to call a spade a spade. This is the time that we have

    to find the root of the problem and eradicate it. The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam.

    The proof of that is the Quran. No matter how painful the truth may be, only truth can set

    us free. Why this much denial? Why so much obstinacy? How many more innocent lives should

    be lost before YOU open your eyes? A nuclear disaster is upon us. This will happen. It is

    not a question of if but when. Oblivious of that, the world is digging its head deeper in

    the sand. We urge the Muslims to leave Islam. Stop with excuses, justifications and

    rationalizations. Stop dividing mankind into us vs. them and Muslims vs. Kafirs. We are One

    people, One mankind! Muhammad was not a messenger of God. It is time that we end this

    insanity and face the truth. The terrorists take their moral support and the validation for

    their actions from you. Your very adherence to their cult of death is a nod of approval for

    their crimes against humanity. We also urge the non-Muslims to stop being politically

    correct lest they hurt the sensitivities of the Muslims. To Hell with their sensitivities!

    Let us save their lives, and the lives of millions of innocent people. Millions, if not

    billions of lives will be lost if we do nothing. Time is running out! All it takes for evil

    to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Do something! Send this message to everyone in

    your address book and ask them to do the same. Defeat Islam and stop terrorism one billion

    dead evil muslims is not to many if it saves the world Together lets say

    to HELL go Muslims.Qu’ran, evil tale, made-up lies of pedofile, pervert, murderer Muhammad

    (as he burns in HELL) ,Allah, evil God of the Qur’an, Qur’an evil doctrine of nasty, brain

    dead, weak minded, not quit humans, that call themselves muslims, all 9/11 terroist where

    muslims all suicide bombers are muslims, all ragheads are Muslims, do not let muslims come

    to your towns, they will destroy your way of life and cause you much evil as they change

    your laws to comply to the lislamic laws of the Qu’ran.

  5. Ts357349.3284683 Says:

    yes but george bush is a nefilim…

  6. Ts357349.3284683 Says:

    He worships satan as his ark lord and master and is using you stupid americans to help the new world order come to pass. and by the way, you are the babylon in revelation america.

  7. Ts357349.3284683 Says:

    you are going to burn. im really sorry but that is the price of ignorance

  8. Robert Says:

    Ts357 etc etc, stop being such a bloody tool you looser, you can’t even give yourself a name, except use a number, you useless pile of shit!!! It might be you who burn’s,

    Stay off line you bloody kid!!! do your parents know your doing this ?????

    Maybe your the one who’s going to be worse than Hitler, you stupid un-educated Faggot.

  9. kill_muslim_pig_kill Says:

    fuck muslims…kill them all…
    Religion of devil…
    Religion of peace…??? no ..religion of devil…
    Read this …

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