Today from Salon’s Obsession with Bush’s Bulge

We irresponsibly link, you decide. From Salon’s Farhad Manjoo (hm. and what kind of name is that?): The bulge returns.

Look, I don’t know what it is. But it’s something. I mean, I’ve tried to convince myself that it’s just his shoulder blades and some edge-on lighting. But no, it’s not.

Also, watching Bush at the debate, there were times when I seriously thought he was “shadowing” (listening to secret instructions, before speaking the prompted words). He’d get this goofy look, staring blankly into space for a few seconds with a slight brow-pucker, then resume his response with a new point completely unrelated to what he’d been saying before.

Yeah, I know. Maybe that’s just him thinking. Maybe the effects of all that hard partying have caught up with him, such that the thought process that goes into speaking extemporaneously requires visible effort.

Maybe. But even if true, that isn’t exactly the best qualification for the presidency. And still, what’s under his damn jacket?

Sigh. Craig: help me out here. Voice of reason time. What’s going on?

12 Responses to “Today from Salon’s Obsession with Bush’s Bulge”

  1. John F Says:

    I think it’s something but possibly nothing — as in a back brace or a male girdle….

    You would think, if Bush was wired in teh first debate, that he woudl have started paying attention instead of beign an assclown through most of the debate…

  2. yian Says:

    sounds like an indian name to me.

  3. John Callender Says:

    Oh, yeah. Sorry if I sounded unintentionally racist, as opposed to intentionally racist. (Racism: it’s… funny! Really, I swear!)

  4. Sara Says:

    Maybe he is a camel and he stores water in the hump. On a more serious note, I have many defend is a bro (male bra) or a back brace, but the denial without an explination keeps people wondering. I saddly doubt this is effecting his popularity, I think we are “preaching to the choir” so to speak.

  5. Craig Says:

    I don’t know exactly what it is either, but I DO know that the truth in such matters is usually more simplistic and less provocative than any rampant speculation.

    Besides, your trusted fellow blogger, Kevin Drum, already concedes that there just isn’t anything to it.

    So put it to rest before you start adding that element to your bizarre Bush dreams!

  6. John Callender Says:

    Heh. Okay. Thanks. Putting it out of my mind…

  7. Jackie Says:

    But I WANT to know what it is, dammit!!

  8. Eric Lee Says:

    As much as I think Bush has got to go, I really think this is a non-story.

  9. Dan Says:

    It looks to me like he’s wearing suspenders.

  10. Brian Says:

    I noticed early in the debate, first or second question, at one point Bush started to talk, stopped, and quickly looked to his right as if hearing something from that side. Then he resumed speaking in his mysteriously, suddenly ‘eloquent’ or at least intelligible fashion.

    I’ll admit I might’ve been looking for it, but I’m curious if anyone else noticed it or has video of the debate and could check on it.

  11. Sonny Lions Says:

    Honestly, I don’t regard Dubya as a human being. I think it’s the point of his tail. Or maybe Cheney/Rove’s puppeteering hand.

  12. Rich Says:

    I suspect that the bulge is either the cover for his replaceable battery or the slot where his handlers wind him up each day.

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