Taibbi Goes Underground with the Republicans

Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi pretended to be a Republican, and returned alive to tell the tale: Bush like me.

Republicans are paranoid enough to expect a mole from the Kerry campaign, but I was far worse than that — a dissolute, drug-abusing anarchist who reads the battle diaries of Vietnamese generals on rainy days, roots for Russia at the Olympics and once published an article titled “God Can Suck My Dick.” I was, in short, the most offensive individual who could conceivably be planted in the campaign of George W. Bush.

2 Responses to “Taibbi Goes Underground with the Republicans”

  1. Thom Says:

    Now I remember why I dropped my Rolling Stone subcription and started reading “Mojo.”

  2. What Says:

    Lies.com is an appropriate URL for a link to that article. You leftwing scumbags will believe any tripe as long as it’s served to you by your media overlords. Matt Taibbi is the lying liar that tells them.

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