The Daily Howler on O’Reilly and Krugman on Russert

In keeping with the prodigious comment production on my earlier item re: the O’Reilly/Krugman debacle (courtesy’s #1 googlerank in searches for “o’reilly krugman russert”), here’s the Daily Howler debunking O’Reilly’s bluster in detail: Tail-gunner Bill!

One Response to “The Daily Howler on O’Reilly and Krugman on Russert”

  1. rick pietz Says:

    Sadly, the more I watch the national debate, he who does yell the loudest, does win. You are depressing me with truth…Which are lies…Which seem to work…

    I like the photos link better…Less thinking and less yelling…
    Though I’m sure some people thought…No, I’m not sure any one thought…

    I’m going back to the photos…When does footbal season…I’m buying a cave…I’ll come out on the winter solistice in 2012. Maybe…

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