Bush’s Abu Ghraib Speech Impediment

Lead Balloons at Bad Attitudes has some commentary on the weird way Bush repeatedly stumbled over the prounciation of “Abu Ghraib” during his speech the other day: A pronounced level of incompetence. And I have to admit, it is a pretty interesting thing to speculate about.

No, it’s not a huge deal in and of itself. Bush supporters can relax on that point; they don’t need to get huffy with me about how I can’t even let the guy mispronounce a word from time to time without seeing it as some monumental character flaw.

But still. The whole point of that speech was to make Bush look like he was on top of this Iraq thing. He trotted out lots of numbers, lots of basically useless detail designed to do one thing: prove that Bush knows what he’s doing in Iraq. Increasingly, the public doubts that, and the speech was intended to counter those doubts.

He clearly had worked hard on his delivery. He spoke forcefully, with audible conviction. He didn’t stumble over the many numbers in the speech: US troop totals (115,000 originally estimated to be needed at this point in time, 138,000 actually there now), the number of troops in the planned Iraqi army (260,000), the number of divisions in that army (27), daily oil production (two million barrels), number of donor nations in the reconstruction effort (37), amount of aid they have pledged ($13.5 billion), and so on.

So why was it that when he got to the name of the prison, the place that has been the focus of world attention for the past several weeks, he stopped, dead in his tracks, for a long, embarrassing pause? It sure seemed like he was trying to decide how to pronounce an unfamiliar word. And then, when he did finally say the name, he pronounced it strangely, and then pronounced it differently upon subsequent mentions. I mean, really, what was up with that?

Is it part of the Bush personality disorder, the narcissim that prevents him from acknowledging even the possibility of error? As in, Abu Ghraib has turned into such a debacle that he has shunted it off into the mental black hole reserved for things that can’t be reconciled with his fantasies of infallibility?

Did he not rehearse that part of the speech? Wouldn’t his staffers have pointed out the mispronunciation then? Is Bush like Shaquille O’Neal at the freethrow line, maybe: able to pronounce the word fine in private, but tripping over it when the spotlight is on?

I really can’t figure it out. And I can’t help wondering about it.

Update: Here’s some more detail, courtesy of Reuters (Bush trips over Abu Ghraib pronunciation):

During the half-hour televised address, Bush mispronounced Abu Ghraib each of the three times he mentioned it while announcing U.S. plans to tear down the infamous jail and replace it with a new facility.

The prison, the scene of torture under Saddam Hussein (news – web sites) and the setting for the Iraqi prison abuse scandal under the U.S. military, has a name that English speakers usually pronounce as “abu-grabe”.

But the Republican president, long known for verbal and grammatical lapses, stumbled on the first try, calling it “abugah-rayp”. The second version came out “abu-garon”, the third attempt sounded like “abu-garah”.

White House aides, who described the speech as an important address on the future of Iraq, said Bush practised twice on Monday before boarding his helicopter for his trip to the speaking venue at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

15 Responses to “Bush’s Abu Ghraib Speech Impediment”

  1. Ralph Nader Says:

    Bush is an idjit…I mean idigit….I mean igidot

  2. Cristina D'Arcy Says:

    HELP! I need to find video clips on the net of Bush’s mess-ups and what not. Especially on when he messed up his pronunciation on Abu-grabe. Also, if there are any other clips of his mess-ups. I can’t use anything that’s been remixed or compiled with music over it. Just clips of his speeches where he messed up. Anyone can help???

  3. Cristina D'Arcy Says:

    Oh and my email is gorefulglam@yahoo.com

  4. Winner Says:

    To all you liberal lefty’s out there (and of course the “moderator” who will never let this see the light of any display) trying to dismantle the US of A and show no respect for the office nor the President, I have just 1 word!


  5. Marc Says:

  6. DCJP Says:

    I too have a speech impediment. I wish all you patronising bastards would leave President Bush and all the rest of us to do what we have to do, instead of judging us on our disability. You piss me off, so much.

    God Bless President Bush!

  7. Spudgun Says:

    I never said that Bush would lose, (see my previous comment), I said that Americans are either too stupid, obtuse, ignorant or indifferent to kick him out.(Particularly the guy above who only has one word, which at least he can spell right, bless him!), In retrospect, to that list I have to now add cowardly and god forbid, possibly wicked as well. Cowardly because, those who voted for him hid behind the great technological might of the American Military, selfish as to whether or not 10,000, 100,000 or 1000,000 Iraqis died.(We’re also back to obtuse, here, because according to recent polls, virtually half of ALL Americans actually think that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11, even though even Rumsfeld admits that he didn’t, along with the CIA and every respectable Intelligence outfit in the States). And America clearly isn’t concerned how many innocents die at the hands of the Bush administration, as long as it ain’t Americans. Cowardly, also, because the majority of those who voted for him don’t give a damn about what happens outside of their own back yard, (unless again their stupidity allows them to be convinced that Saddam might be throwing some of his weapons into it, even though he never had any apart from those the Americans sold him in the first place). The final charge of wickedness must also be examined closely. Bush supporters rant on about freedom, honesty, respectability, integrity and courage. Reverend Bush of the Church of the Latter Day Morons shall preach the gospel, shall slay the mighty evil ones. Meanwhile, Mr. Cheney, his right hand man, (sorry, preacher), continues to see the value of his shares rocket with Halliburton’s, just one of the many American conglomerates who are making an absolute fortune out of the War. It’s a pity some of those ‘hard earned’ dollars won’t be used to prop up the weakening Dollar on the home front. Wicked, more so, because the self-righteous, gun-totin’, military lovin’, sister marryin’, abortion-hatin’, gay-loathin’, foreigner-despisin’, non-passport ownin’ red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land “free and strong”. You are neither free nor strong. You are not free, because you shall be forever looking under your beds, afraid of what might be there. Whilst your Buffoon President goes on to ‘Kick More Ass, yee ha!!’, your enemies are mounting further. The REAL evil one, OSAMA BIN LADEN (remember him??, or have you conveniently erased him from the equation, seeing as the ‘Great Texan Cowboy’ failed to round him up?). Now he is VERY happy with the Bush re-election! Yes sir, for years and years he has mustered all his energy and efforts to wage a war on the Western ‘Infidels’, and always failed fairly miserably, (apart from the devastating 9/11). Now, though, thanks to Iraq, the entire Arabic world, not to mention a host of other lunatics want pay back, and god forbid, no doubt they will achieve some success. Hopefully though, if he ever gets through finishing with Iraq, Iran, North Korea and whoever else he decides to attack, (once someone shows him where they are on a map), he will have enough of his own ‘Weapons of Mass destruction’ left to deal with them as well. You are also not free, because you are enslaved to the lies, the distortions and the downright ridiculous posturing of your Administration. If Bush declared tomorrow that America was under threat from inhabitants of the Planet Venus, you would tremble in your homes, whilst screeching ‘Yee Ha’ to Bush’s plan to invade China to capture their rocket scientists to build a craft to invade Venus. And you will certainly never be STRONG, all the time you believe that Bush was placed on this earth by Jesus of Nazareth to massacre whoever he chooses, seriously believing it to be god’s will. You profess to be a pillar of Justice, and yet there is no justice in slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people who NEVER did America a single wrong. Saddam Hussein was an evil man, there is no question, but he could NEVER, NOT EVER have posed any threat, in the past or in the future, to anyone other than his own people or those of perhaps Kuwait. Now that he is removed, the country is awash with lunatics far worse than Hussein ever was, and many, many, many more people will die, not just Iraqis but American, British and other coalition troops, before there is ever, if ever, any peace to fall in Iraq. Four British soldiers have lost their lives in the last 24 hours, but America probably doesn’t even know it because it ‘ain’t happenenin’ in my back yard’. The people who were responsible for 9/11 must be hunted down and dealt with, any sane, rational person with any sense of Justice must agree that. But that does not mean that America must pick on countries at will and destroy millions, simply because it CAN, because it failed spectacularly to catch the one man who DID cause the carnage at the World Trade Centre. I am not Anti-American. I am envious of much of your History and Culture, and know that there are many millions of decent Americans who feel the way that I do. To those who have taken offence at these comments, rest assured that I feel equally, if not more strongly about my own fellow countrymen here in the UK, particularly the Reverend Blair, the American Gofer. It is a given that the moronic and spineless nation here will re-elect him at the next election also. God Save us all!!!!

  8. Me Says:

    Good to hear that I’m not the only Bush man here. That Republicans don’t have a monopoly on lying is putting it mildly.

    Bush must be somewhat honest because he is such a lousy liar. Probably comes from being such a crappy speaker. In some complex way involving doublethink, the Left expects us to believe he is both stupid and diabolical.

    Sigh, guess we’re getting some of our own medicine from the Clinton years.

    I’ve been planning to open my own site, somewhat like this one, where anyone can comment without registering. Hooray for open forums!

    and GOD (yes GOD!!!) BLESS AMERICA.

  9. Teper Says:

    The whole issue of Bush is thoroughly depressing. The fact that more than half of USA cannot see that they are ultimately shooting themselves in the foot by allowing Bush’s policies to continue, is mind-boggling. They must have been raised on hogwash…

    As Spudgun said, God help us all – we (the world) needs a miracle.

  10. Steve in Phoenix Says:

    The Rhodes Scholar who sent the list of “HA”‘s is typical of the Bush Jesus Clan. No inteligent discussion …just gloating …and it’s great it’s on the website to amplify his ignorance

  11. Steve in Phoenix Says:

    Hey I’m an idjit two! I mispelled intelligent!

  12. tim Says:

    All I want to know is, if photographing naked people stacked in pyrimids is no worse than calistenics for high school cheerleaders, then why aren’t the cheerleaders in my high school yearbook naked and wearing hoods?

  13. Pissed Says:

    Winner, YOU are a fucking faggot

  14. Daewryth Says:

    Alright, here’s my two cents. Starting by taking a few stabs at you guys.

    You pro-Bush people right now are being immature. You’re telling people they suck for being against Bush, showing that you don’t value opinions of people who are different from you. Hmm, sounds a little bit like what ADOLF HITLER did, ne?

    Seriously, I can say that I HATE Bush, and I know Pro-Bush people, and I let them think, and believe what they choose to think, and believe. It’s your opinion, doesn’t mean I have to agree. Also, how old are you guys? I mean, I’m Seventeen, and I’m giving you boys and girls a lesson in maturity. I’m also Canadian, and I tried to learn about American politics, and the truth behind them by watching CNN. This is what I found out: It’s impossible. Everything I learned, I got off the Daily show, and the Colbert Report.

    Now, unto “Me”

    What’s so surprising about “God Bless America”? I know hardcore christians who are anti-bush, but YOU seem to think that anyone who is non-republican, or anti-bush is an anti christian. Well…again, similar to Hitler. Anyone who wasn’t german was not a person in his books.

    I can’t really talk though, my country’s leader is the butt boy of your leader. Either way, I hate Stephen Hitler (Harper), and I hate George Bush. Both of them shouldn’t be allowed in office, or allowed to make decisions.

    Also, with Ronnie Rum, and Cheney (Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney), now here are the posterboys for accountability. I know shooting the Vice was an accident, but I mean, still, he shot someone in the face, and to top it off. THE VICE APOLOGISED! That’s pathetic. If someone shot ME in the face, I’d be pissed. If it was a friend, and an accident, I’d forgive them without a second thought, but I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m sorry.

    But what really got at me was the fact that the man who gave the pictures and videos in Abu-Ghraib gave them anonymously, and Rumsfeld gave out the man’s name. Then, his family disowned him, and called him an “Unpatriotic liberal.” So, really who betrayed who? The president said he was going to make sure that Donald Rumsfeld was held accountable for his actions, but just as Rumsfeld and Cheney, the president is also not the best for accountability.

    Now unto DCJP. We’re not saying his speech impediment makes him a bad person or whatever, just he makes SO many mistakes when doing public speaking. He’s the president. He’s the Go-to guy. He’s the guy that everyone looks to, and admires because he leads on one of the most powerful countries. I mean, even in announcements in schools STUDENTS don’t make mistakes. I know a guy who stutters, in all honesty, it takes him about two minutes to ask to use the bathroom. Not his fault, he’s a nice kid. But when he speaks, he doesn’t mispronounce the words. He makes sure he gets them right. I mean, the president SHOULD HAVE rehearsed the words, and SHOULD HAVE known what to say, and how to pronounce the words. So, really, it’s not the fact that he can’t speak…it’s the fact that he should be able to, and should know the words. Nothing personal, dude.

    Spudgun, Pissed, Tim, Steve in Pheonix, Teper, Cristina D’arcy, Ralph Nader. You guys are awesome.

    P.S. This is how stupid the people in my school are: “Simultaneously, what does that mean?”

    Anyways, peace out. If anyone wants to chat it up, e-mail me.


  15. Daewryth Says:

    A lot of you supporters of George Bush seem to think that anyone that dislikes Bush isn’t Christian. Did you know he said quote: “God told me to run for president.” AFTER he was elected of course. If I said to someone “God told me to pre-meditate a murder” you’d call me crazy.

    The only reason there is a “War on Terror” anymore is because there’s still oil, and George Jr. wants to take care of what his papa started.

    I can’t really talk, my country’s leader is taking it up the hole by yours. I hate Stephen Hitler(Harper) and I hate GWB. I think they should both be either beaten with a belt in public, or just taken out of office. It shows that neither country’s citizens know what they are doing.

    Anyways, back to the topic of YOUR leader, and YOUR opinions. You make it seem like any non-republican, or anyone who doesn’t support Bush is a terrorist, and that’s wrong. That’s what Hitler did. Now, I’m sure that me comparing you to Hitler has opened your eyes at least a little. Now try to follow me here:

    Why did America sell Iraq weapons during the Persian Gulf War, and then ya know…blow the hell out of them?

    Man, this is sad. I’m a seventeen year old Canadian doing a report on hypocrisy, and lies, as well as corruption in your government, and I’m finding a lot of good stuff for the paper. Sad too that when I watch CNN, I don’t learn a thing, but watching Satire like the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report has taught me all I need to know about your politics.

    Now, to two other people in your government that have made BAD mistakes.

    Dick Cheney

    Donald Rumsfeld.

    Okay, Cheney shot a dude in the face. I know it was an accident, and that’s fine, but he WASN’T ACCOUNTABLE. He never apologised, but the man who was shot said “I’m so sorry.” This people, is politics in action. Someone who is your boss can shoot you in the face, and you’re afraid you wont get a paycheque, so you say sorry. Pathetic.

    Now for Ronnie Rummy. All of the videos, and pictures and whatever from Abu Ghraib were turned over anonymously by a man, and DONALD RUMSFELD GAVE OUT HIS NAME. So now, the man’s family is calling him an “Unpatriotic Liberal” It shows strength when you can humiliate prisoners doesn’t it. Shows how strong you are when you need to tie someone up, and beat them to make you feel strong. This is all bull. This man was brave to turn away, and do what he did, and you all call him an idiot.

    Piss off. You really don’t know what you’re talking about if you think he’s a bad man. He showed his strength when he turned all of that over. He is so far the best patriot in your country.

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