Strange Bedfellows II: Buchanan on the End of the Neocon Era

Having blown my mind by linking twice unto George Will, I’m going to go all the way to Crazyville and link to Patrick Buchanan. Now, knowing Buchanan’s history of isolationism and the dim view he takes of US support for Israel, I really shouldn’t be too surprised to see him saying what he says here; I’m pretty sure that if he weren’t exercising vast amounts of restraint in order to limit his argument to precisely these points on which I basically agree with him, I’d be recoiling in horror. But as it stands, I basically do agree with everything he says here: A time for truth.

As when Buchanan made his statements during the Florida recount battle about how ludicrous it was that he’d polled well in heavily Jewish districts, I have to give the guy credit for a high degree of personal honesty. And these days, that’s worth noting.

One Response to “Strange Bedfellows II: Buchanan on the End of the Neocon Era”

  1. thomas Says:

    Thanks for passing that on. Good stuff. hard for the right to scream “crazy liberals” at that article. I suppose they can always smear him though.

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