Bush vs. King Canute

Here’s an interesting item from someone named Scott Christiansen, who has a brand-new weblog named Pin-hole Camera: Turning points. It compares Bush with King Canute the Great. Bush does not come off too favorably in the comparison.

2 Responses to “Bush vs. King Canute”

  1. a_stupid_box Says:

    This interested me until I realized that it wasn’t Scott Christiansen from “Enlightenment with a Vengeance” ( http://www.ewav.com ).

  2. Natacha Says:

    The Alliance for Justice has launched a new website urging Justice Scalia to recuse himself from the Cheney energy case! Check it out: http://www.ChooseToRecuse.org Scalia can recuse himself anytime before the Supreme Court renders its decision.

    There is a great flash animation that goes with it too. You have to see “Quid Pro Quack” http://www.allianceforjustice.org/action/scalia/flash.htm Duck’em!

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