Saletan on Bush’s Platonic Relationship with Reality

Slate’s William Saletan has an interesting commentary on Bush’s performance on Meet the Press: You can make it with Plato.

Thanks to Yian for the link.

One Response to “Saletan on Bush’s Platonic Relationship with Reality”

  1. ymatt Says:

    Usually I’m not much interested in these navel-staring character studies, but I think this one is quite well thought-out. The author is, in fact, very careful to avoid the kind of reasoning he accuses Bush of — he bases his argument on concrete example instead of predicating the argument on the conclusion.

    This is what I’ve thought of Bush for a while, but never could articulate worth a damn. I don’t think he’s a conniving, self-serving bastard and I think he honestly believes he’s doing what’s best for the country. But he’s completely unwilling to listen to opposing opinions on his methods and conclusions because his belief is what shapes his whole outlook, rather than the world shaping his beliefs (beyond indentifying bad guys).

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