Pitt: Bush Knew

Nice summing up by William Rivers Pitt of Truthout: Two loud words. An excerpt from his conclusion:

George W. Bush is going to run in 2004 on the idea that his administration is the only one capable of protecting us from another attack like the ones which took place on September 11. Yet the record to date is clear. Not only did they fail in spectacular fashion to deal with those first threats, not only has their reaction caused us to be less safe, not only have they failed to sufficiently bolster our defenses, but they used the aftermath of the attacks to ram through policies they couldn’t have dreamed of achieving on September 10. It is one of the most remarkable turnabouts in American political history: Never before has an administration used so grisly a personal failure to such excellent effect.

2 Responses to “Pitt: Bush Knew”

  1. Adam Says:

    That’s a great piece. But the national blinders are on, and I don’t see anything that’s going to rip them down.

  2. Bob Says:

    So which Democratic candidates would have the backbone to actually say these words (Bush knew) during a debate with the President if they are the Nominee? I think that there are only 3 that would; Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, and maybe Howard Dean. I really hope this topic is brought up in one of the primary debates soon, so maybe the DNC can get behind the ideal of using this during the campaign.

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