The Shape of Bush’s Legacy

I didn’t notice it at first, but when I took a second look at the latest graph of US fatalities in Iraq I noticed an odd thing about its shape. This led me to prepare the following visual companion to the Bush presidency (click the image for a larger version).

[Snotty pre-emptive comeback to anticipated patriot-baiting removed.]

7 Responses to “The Shape of Bush’s Legacy”

  1. mmr Says:

    “And in anticipation of those who will say I’m dishonoring the dead by making light of their sacrifice, fuck you. It’s your president who dishonors them, by wasting their lives in pursuit of his twisted dreams of power.”

    Well said.

  2. a_stupid_box Says:

    “And in anticipation of those who will say I’m dishonoring the dead by making light of their sacrifice, fuck you. It’s your president who dishonors them, by wasting their lives in pursuit of his twisted dreams of power.”

    jbc, I’m the first to back you, and we share a lot of the same views, but your “preemptive strike against critics” seems a little trite and biased. While I agree with your point, you could have presented it in a much more adult and civilized manner than “fuck you.” Rather than going that route you sound like Bush himself. Could it be that in order to “combat your enemy” you’ve become more like him?

    I, for one, ceratinly hope not. I understand as well as anyone what it’s like to have people’s opinions piled against you, and most of those opinions coming across in language that would make a pirate blush, but that’s all the more reason _not_ to sink to that level.

  3. Bobby McGee Says:

    The thing I notice about this graph is that it is shaped like a “W”. Coincidence?

  4. John Callender Says:

    Heh. Yeah, maybe I was too subtle in my intro comments, but the “W” shape of the graph was the thing that struck me as interesting about this.

    I see this as a political cartoon, with Bush dressed in a schoolboy outfit turning from the chalkboard where this graph is displayed, having just scrawled the big “W” across it, saying proudly, “See? I made it myself!” Or something like that.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, but compared to the big giant upside down “M” of the Vietnam war, it’s still a very little “W”

  6. Tuesday Says:

    That’s why we need to do something now, before it becomes a bigger “W”.

  7. Tuesday Says:

    That’s why we need to do something now, before it becomes a bigger “W”.

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