Kinsley: Did Bush Mean *Any* of the Speech About Democracy?

Michael Kinsley at his best: The limits of eloquence. A sample:

George W. Bush’s powers of persuasion are apparently so spectacular, at least to some, that almost all the pro-Bush voices in Washington and the media have remained pro-Bush even when “pro-Bush” means the opposite of what it did five minutes ago.

4 Responses to “Kinsley: Did Bush Mean *Any* of the Speech About Democracy?”

  1. Sterling Doughty Says:

    Bush doesn’t care about or even understand the concept of democracy. Since 911, the US has installed about a dozen military bases in Arab and former Soviet states, none of which are functional democracies.

    And with the Patriot Act, the permanent detention of American citizens and others without trial in the U.S: and Guantanamo, he has moved America clearly in the direction of the Miltant Corporatist state, a sort of new and improved National Socialism.

    The Wimp of Mass Destruction is a pathological liar and a danger to the entire world except for the extremely rich and the leaders of totalitarian states.

    Bambi turns over in his grave every time WMD opens his mouth.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    “Bush doesn’t care about or even understand the concept of democracy.”

    What a moronic and stupid comment. And the rest of your comment is donwhill from there!

  3. colleen Says:

    I, for one, am making a strong rally against re-electing George Bush in 2004. I swear, this country has memory block. Remember, how much of an embarrassment he was as a coked-out capital-punishment happy governor? And where was little gung-ho war-crazy G.W. during the draft in Vietnam? What’s that? His Daddy was the director of the C.I.A. back then?(true-and this man was once PRESIDENT)What? G.W. was in the Reserves(or Coast Guard, whatever) in the late 60’s? And his company of active reservists was one of the only ones who didn’t get sent to Vietnam? What a weird coincedence! People may fall for the old poofy P.R. representation of the doofus/patriot, but he is a dangerous man. I’ve had my fingers crossed since he “won” the election in 2000. I don’t care if Ross jumps back in the ring next year…I will vote for the opposing, regardless.

  4. colleen Says:

    I, for one, am making a strong rally against re-electing George Bush in 2004. I swear, this country has memory block. Remember, how much of an embarrassment he was as a coked-out capital-punishment happy governor? And where was little gung-ho war-crazy G.W. during the draft in Vietnam? What’s that? His Daddy was the director of the C.I.A. back then?(true-and this man was once PRESIDENT)What? G.W. was in the Reserves(or Coast Guard, whatever) in the late 60’s? And his company of active reservists was one of the only ones who didn’t get sent to Vietnam? What a weird coincedence! People may fall for the old poofy P.R. representation of the doofus/patriot, but he is a dangerous man. I’ve had my fingers crossed since he “won” the election in 2000. I don’t care if Ross jumps back in the ring next year…I will vote for the opposing, regardless.

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