Hey Big Spender…

Attention fiscal conservatives: You’ve been had.

True, Bush has been really, really good at cutting taxes for the wealthy (less-so for the middle class, where the cuts have been smaller, designed to single out particular narrow voting demographics as fodder for political talking points). But what about that spending side of the equation?

Double Trouble at Bad Attitudes discusses it: Real men spend. He links to the following interesting article from the Washington Post: Government outgrows cap set by president, which points out that even when you factor out spending for the War on Terra and Homeland Security, Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress have been going hog-wild on spending. With those big-ticket items factored in, of course, it’s off the charts; they’ve been acting like teenagers in the mall with dad’s credit card — though I guess a more apt analogy would go the other way, since the people running up debt like there’s no tomorrow are the grown-ups, at least ostensibly, while it is the kids of today who will end up having to pay for it all.

2 Responses to “Hey Big Spender…”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, Government spends too much and taxes too much and regulates too much.

    This never changes so long as people have a ‘welfare state’ mentality.

  2. Anonymous Says:

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