Well-Done CNN Parody Fools Idiot

I was six graphs deep in this before I realized I’d been had: Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women. The tip-off? Quoting someone named “Dr. Inserta Shafteer”. Moral: Always check the URL. Design elements do not a CNN web page make.

5 Responses to “Well-Done CNN Parody Fools Idiot”

  1. Adam Says:

    Looks like they took the page down already. Darn. I could use a laugh today.

  2. John Callender Says:

    Drat. It was pretty funny.

  3. Brandon Says:

    I put the page back up in a slightly edited form.

  4. Nicole Says:

    Can someone please send me the original copy with the CNN banner on it? It was HILLARIOUS! I wanna play a joke on my sorority sisters!


  5. edge Says:

    Check out the cached version at

    or download the pdf at http://www.billstevenson.org/news/gulp.pdf

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