In Defense of Leo Strauss

Despite a BS in political science from a major university (earned 20 years ago, though), I’d never heard of Leo Strauss until his name started being brought up by critics of the neocons in the Bush administration, reputed to be Straussians all. I still don’t know much about Strauss, but the following pair of pieces, found on some random righty blog I’ve since misplaced, argue that letting Bush’s critics color my perceptions of the man might not be the best idea.

Anyway, some of the things said here about Strauss sounded interesting. Proceed at your own risk: From the NYT, an op/ed piece by Struass’s daughter: The Real Leo Strauss. And from the Jerusalem Post’s Bret Stephens: Hands up, Straussians!

One Response to “In Defense of Leo Strauss”

  1. Mateo Mathaus Says:

    Para mí es curioso lo poco que hay sobre Strauss en español….Lo leo en inglés pero al no ser mi lengua materna algunas cosas se me escapan..También hay muy poco publicado en alemán..Me interesaría bibliografía en castellano si fuera posible..Sincerely..Mateo Mathaus..

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