Space Aliens Invade Earth

Sars ‘from the stars’ (or War II of the Worlds)

In this sequel, instead of a terrestrial cold virus defeating the Martians, a Martian cold virus destroys the hapless humans.

There is also a much more “down to Earth” theory that the SARS virus originated from a civet cat but what kind of news is that?

7 Responses to “Space Aliens Invade Earth”

  1. Uncle Joe Says:

    You people are a bunch of freakin morons

  2. Dayna Says:

    I am an alien!!!! we will come out and destroy earth

  3. Angel Says:

    If you have any questions needed answered concerning demons, aliens, or something else paranormal or extraterestrial Please visit our web-adress: There is also a phone number available on the profile section for any cases that you might want to bring to our attention.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    y tto ryk e t6 yyo kkynr blssy hn1ed

  5. Anonymous Says:

    y tto ryk e t6 yyo kkynr blssy hn1ed

  6. iasam Says:

    y tto ryk e t6 yyo kkynr blssy hn1ed

  7. umbungo Says:

    ehe. Iyam an alian. I cum to steel yor women and make many little aliyan hybreeds. ehe. nowon will be aybel to stopmeee. nyahaha.

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