Ritter: US Will Lose Iraq War

Here’s a position you don’t see every day: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector and long-time Bush gadfly, is saying that the US defeat in Iraq is inevitable. Make of it what you will. Thanks to Janus for the link.

One Response to “Ritter: US Will Lose Iraq War”

  1. myself Says:


    By: Mohammed A. Hegazi

    Joseph Biden, a US Zionist senator, said about the US venture in Iraq, “Failure is not an option”. Any smart analyst would point out to those deluded US politicians: Failure is the only option left for them. The only other option would be to wipe out the Iraqi people in an unprecedented act of genocide by carpet bombing all Iraqi cities. So, a wise political decision by US Zionists would be: Pack up, cut your losses and leave. Sifting through the rubbish dished out by US Zionist spin media, we may come out with sound conclusions. The US is getting a good hiding at the hands of the brave fighters of the Iraqi resistance. US propagandists can call them insurgents, Sunni triangulars, thugs, or Saddam loyalists. They do call them anything but nationalist zealots who are determined to free their country from vile foreign occupation by greedy and ruthless invaders. The US is doomed to failure as a result of a brilliant plan by the Iraqi army. It is so simple to comprehend: It would have been stupid to engage the US/UK invaders in a classical war where the aggressors had air superiority. The brilliant tactic adopted by the Iraqi generals was to bring the invaders down to the ground. So, Iraqi tacticians decided to avoid the total destruction of their cities by handing them over, in what the clumsy Yanks and Brits thought was a quick victory. One year later, the invaders discovered that they were bleeding to death. It was indeed a brilliant Iraqi tactic. Those hundreds of thousands of Iraqis fighting on the ground today are mainly soldiers of the Iraqi regular army out of uniform, not remnants of “Saddam Loyalists”, as the spin media wants us to believe. They are making the most out of their modest arms and superior training, against a ‘privatised’ US force composed of private ‘security contractors’ and a ragtag regular force of soldiers of fortune, mainly ‘niggers’ and ‘spics’ ( Blacks and Latinos forced by economic necessity). Those US soldiers are people who have no genuine cause for which to fight and die. In the heat of battle, they would hide behind one another. On the other hand, Iraqi fighters do have a cause. They are fighting to free their country from foreign aggression. History attests that if a people are so intent on liberating their country, they will Now, White House thugs can say goodbye to their grand Zionist project. They will never be able to control the world, or even the Middle East. Their war of terror failed dismally. The world owes it to those brave Iraqis fighting for their freedom. Their moment of final victory is approaching.

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